The abortion crowd never says they are "pro abortion" it is always "pro choice."
Yes, we all know "the abortion crowd" goes around forcing pregnant women to have an abortion.
They're trying to make laws forcing women to have at least one abortion in their lives.
And they go around bombing fertility clinics because the "pro abortion crowd" just hates babies.
They're not satisfied with women to have legal and safe opportunity to choose to have an abortion or not, they force them to have abortions because they're all 'pro-abortion'.
Jesus what utter bullshit.
I can agree with those who express their disagreement with one position or the other, while accepting that whatever a woman decides to do with her body is her personal business, not theirs or the government's.
But those who create straw men arguments by implying that the "pro-choice" crowd is actually "pro-abortion"...yeah I think that's quite dishonest.
To me the issue appears to be pro-choice vs anti-choice (wrt abortion).
Btw do the "pro-lifers/anti-choicers" actually rally to make the government support poor and struggling parents? Do they (in general) only value new life, or do they care about the quality of that life (and the lives of the parents and siblings) as well?

Anyway I never understood the USA model of polarizing everything. Pro-choice vs vs seems to leave way too little middle ground for people who are not in any of the extremes and want to add and discuss caveats and grey areas.